
Understanding Plantar Fasciitis and How Norton Physical Therapy Can Help

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that affects many people, causing discomfort and hindering daily activities. At Joe Norton Physical Therapy in NW Washington DC, we specialize in treating plantar fasciitis with personalized, effective physical therapy designed to alleviate pain and promote healing. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you get back on your feet, pain-free.

Effective Physical Therapy Solutions for Runners Suffering from Big Toe Pain: Expert Treatment and Recovery Tips in Washington, DC

Discover effective solutions for runners suffering from big toe pain with our expert treatment and recovery tips. At Norton Physical Therapy and Performance, we specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions like turf toe, hallux limitus/rigidus, bunions, and sesamoiditis. Get back to pain-free running and achieve your training and racing goals with our professional care and ongoing support.

What Every Runner in Washington DC Should Know About Shin Splints!

Every fall, unfortunately, runners of all levels are increasing their training to prepare for high school or college cross country or a fall full or half marathon. More miles as run and more fast workouts are attempted (hopefully completed)! If a runner has not prepared their bones or muscles with months of base phase running and lots of strength and conditioning, the training proves too much and likely results in dreaded shin splints.

Pain in the Achilles: Why a formal evaluation is needed

Pain in the Achilles: Why a formal evaluation is needed

Posterior ankle pain is a common experience amongst active individuals. In a young and active population, achilles tendinopathy tends to be the most common cause of posterior ankle pain. However, not all posterior ankle pain is necessarily tendinopathy…and not all tendinopathies are treated the same.

3 Ways PT Helps Metatarsalgia

Usually people do not know their feet are malleable. Feet, like people, have so much potential to change with manual therapy and exercise. I contend physical therapy should be a first stop for runners who develop metatarsalgia from movement related activities, like running. It is my hope to impart some wisdom on this issue and how a physical therapist can help.

Start Your Year With an Annual Movement Screen

Your body is a lot like your car. It's got multiple systems, all of which are complex, and all of which have to be working well for it to function. Physical therapists are experts in maintaining, diagnosing, and treating the movement system. Like the braking or ignition system in a car, most people only think of the movement system when it's not working the way it should.

How to Choose Your Next Running Shoe

How to Choose Your Next Running Shoe

As a PT with a strong interest in running, I am always asked about running shoes. I love to talk about running as well as teach people about the world of running research. There is a boat load of research on running shoes. Through this blog, I hope to explore some common questions as well as provide recommendations to help you chose your next pair of shoes.

How to Land Softer While Running

High impact forces have been associated with running injuries. Measuring these forces can require highly technical and expensive equipment. Most clinicians do not have this equipment or skill set. Given the strong association between landing forces and injuries, it is important to have a system to detect larger ground reaction forces. Here are three key signs of high ground reaction forces:

3 Running Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Runner’s have beliefs and opinions on injury prevention. In fact, this is an area receiving much study in the academic world as it helps to influence education and treatment approaches. Occasionally, these beliefs are on the mark for accuracy, Sometimes, they are grounded in truth. Other times, they are needing redirection and better resources.

This blog will delve into runner’s opinions on injury prevention to help differentiate and educate on what the evidence says if effective versus not!

How Runners Can Address Knee Pain

Knee pain is the most common running injury. It results from the forces on the knee exceeding the tissues ability to tolerate stress. It is associated with training errors- doing too much, too soon- as well as limitations in strength and coordination of the hip and knee. In this article, I will highlight assessing and treating your knees to get you back on the right track.