mobility challenge

Start Your Year With an Annual Movement Screen

Your body is a lot like your car. It's got multiple systems, all of which are complex, and all of which have to be working well for it to function. Physical therapists are experts in maintaining, diagnosing, and treating the movement system. Like the braking or ignition system in a car, most people only think of the movement system when it's not working the way it should.

14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 1

Most of us will be staying at home over the next few weeks. As gyms are closed we will need to get creative with workouts. This is an excellent opportunity to self assess and treat your mobility. Over the next 14 days, I will present you with a daily mobility workout to enhance your function!

These activities and exercises should not require much time, less than 10 minutes. I am intending the drills to be able to be completed at home with minimal equipment.