14 Day Social Distancing Challenge- Day 9

Today’s mobility will be shoulder external rotation. This is the movement that occurs when you turn your palms out or scratch the back of your head. 

The quantity of shoulder external rotation provides insights into the shoulder joint. Less rotation potentially implicates a restricted joint. The quality of shoulder external rotation provides insights to the control of the shoulder blade and spine. In clinic, I can gain excellent information from this test to lead me to the most optimal treatment.


Assessment Key Points:

  • Keep back flat on floor

  • Do not let should move forward

  • Keep wrist straight 

  • If you feel pain, then you will benefit from a PT consultation 

If you passed this test, then excellent job! if you found maintaining your back, elbow or wrist position difficult, then I would highly recommend going through the next exercises. However if the test was easy, then go right to the motor control.


Improving the mobility of the pecs, lats, anterior deltoid are all important! I usually start by assessing and treating impaired tone and trigger points in the subscapularis(see video)


Immediately following mobility work, we need to teach the body and the brain how to use the new range of motion or hold these new positions. If we did not do this extra step you will not maintain the gains. I give 2 options today- the “regular” then the scaled up version of the scapular L.

How’s everyone feeling?