14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 11

This is an especially important motion. I say this because frequently this is a motion most people lose when they have a rotator cuff issue or impingement. Basically this makes up 75% of the shoulder problems I see in clinic . Today’s mobility will be Shoulder Internal Rotation(IR). 

Shoulder IR occurs when we tuck in the back of our shirts or scratch the middle of our backs. When we do this motion all the muscles as well as the joint capsule must elongate. When this flexibility is lost, we steal motion from the shoulder blade OR we become hypermobile in the front of our shoulder joints. Either way, more stress is placed on the structures in the anterior shoulder such as the rotator cuff, deltoid, labrum, etc.

Additionally, since this test is also a test of the flexibility of the posterior shoulder structures, it is also a fantastic way to screen for overhead shoulder performance. So if you are an over head athlete or enjoy doing overhead activities this is a must do!


Assessment Key Points:

  • Do not let shoulder move forward!!!

  • If you feel pain, then you will benefit from a PT consultation 

If you passed this test, then excellent job! if you found maintaining your shoulder or shoulder blade position difficult, then I would highly recommend going through the next exercises. However if the test was easy, then go right to the motor control.


As you perform these 2 opportunities for self improvement, you are not to feel pain. It can hurt so good… but no pain.


Immediately following mobility work, we need to teach the body and the brain how to use the new range of motion or hold these new positions. If we did not do this extra step you will not maintain the gains. This is a tricky one. Shoulder blade control is the goal. I’d rather you move 10 degrees with a stable shoulder blade position then move 90 degrees with a forward dumped shoulder blade.

Keep your distances and enjoy your times at home!