14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 12

Let’s turn our heads to the right, then to the left… Today we are focusing on cervical rotation. Other then hold our heads up and protect our nerves, our necks provide us a good amount of motion. One of its specialties is rotation! This is a motion commonly lost when we tweak our neck or have strong movement habits.

In addition to improving your neck motion, the exercises will also help to relieve some of the tension most of us are developing form working at home! Even if you pass the test, please perform the exercises as it will help to get you moving!


Assessment Key Points:

  • Nose is in line with mid portion of clavicle

  • No substitution of side-bending or nodding

  • If you feel pain, then you will benefit from a PT consultation 

If you passed this test, then excellent job! If you found performing pure rotation to be difficult then the mobility exercises will be useful. However if the test was easy, then go right to the motor control.


In the video I am using a large ball. Most of you do not have this, however a tennis a ball will be sufficient. If it does not reach the muscles, then prop it on 1-2 books so it can nestle into your tissues.


Immediately following mobility work, we need to teach the body and the brain how to use the new range of motion or hold these new positions. If we did not do this extra step you will not maintain the gains. 
