14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 8

Today’s mobility will be to the Thoracic Spine. The primary movement of the thoracic region is rotation; therefore, the easiest way to tease out limitations in mobility is to perform rotation. Through improving rotation, extension or straightening of the upper back will follow. 

This tends to be a universally tight region of the body. Many studies have demonstrated improving mobility here enhances motion and decreases pain at the neck, shoulder, elbow and lower back.


Assessment Key Points:

  1. Sit on chair or stool, stack shoulders over hips

  2. Rotation as far as possible, do not lean back

  3. Breathe

If you passed this test, then excellent job! if you found maintaining your back position, keeping the knee in line required a lot of work, or you felt tension or discomfort while doing the test, then I would highly recommend going through the next exercises🙋🏻‍♂️. 


When giving exercise to improve motion in this region. I always begin with rotation to unlock the joints then perform an extension motion to fully enhance the mobility of the upper back.


Immediately following mobility work, we need to teach the body and the 🧠 how to use the new range of motion or hold these new positions. If we did not do this extra step you will not maintain the gains. 

Then we have the scaled up version. Note, I am performing this poorly. Things to focus on: back flat on door including head, elbows straight, hands touch wall.

How’s everyone feeling?