14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 1

Most of us will be staying at home over the next few weeks. As gyms are closed we will need to get creative with workouts. This is an excellent opportunity to self assess and treat your mobility. Over the next 14 days, I will present you with a daily mobility workout to enhance your function!

These activities and exercises should not require much time, less than 10 minutes. I am intending the drills to be able to be completed at home with minimal equipment.

Todays mobility will be the lateral tibial glide. This movement is needed keep the foot flat on the floor as the knees move out. Where is this movement occurring? The hip and the foot. We will get to the hip in the upcoming days but today let us focus on the foot. I postulate most of this motion is occurring through the subtalar joint(connection between heel and ankle) and mid-foot

This is an essential motion for squatting. if you do not squat then it is an essential motion to get off the floor or our of a chair.

Self Test:

If you passed this test, then excellent job! if you found keeping the ball of the foot down required work or you felt tension or discomfort while doing the test then I would highly recommend going through the next exercises.

Motion loss is typically due to 2 sources: soft tissues and joints. The next 2 videos will review mobility workouts designed to enhance foot function.

Self Soft Tissue Mobilization

Self Joint Mobilization:

Motor Control

Immediately following mobility work, we need to teach the body and the brain how to use the new range of motion or hold these new positions. If we did not do this extra step you will not maintain the gains.

If you found the exercises useful, drop me a line here or on instagram and let me know.

Be safe and have a wonderful day!
