Washington DC

Rotator Cuff Related Pain: What helps?

Rotator Cuff Related Pain: What helps?

“Rotator cuff disorders are the most frequent group of pathologies affecting the shoulder and represent 50-85% of shoulder conditions treated by health professionals”1. These disorders are by far one of the more frequent diagnoses and presentations that we encounter on a daily basis in the clinic. Without appropriate care, disorders that are so prevalent may be subject to becoming persistent and impacting quality of life and the ability to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Good news though…it seems that activity is really the best medicine for rotator cuff related pain!

Acute Low Back Pain Guidelines

So you just sprained your back. The pain is severe. You may have not been doing anything strenuous. You might not even be able to stand up. Fear not as this is a common occurrence in 80% of people. Most cases of acute low back quickly resolve with proper precaution. This article will serve as your guide in managing the early stages of a back pain flare up.