Today’s mobility will be Hip Extension. This motion occurs when the knee and foot move behind the buttocks and torso. The final phases of walking, the trail leg in a lunge even moving from sitting to standing are all examples of hip extension.
14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 4
14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 3
14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 2
14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 1
Most of us will be staying at home over the next few weeks. As gyms are closed we will need to get creative with workouts. This is an excellent opportunity to self assess and treat your mobility. Over the next 14 days, I will present you with a daily mobility workout to enhance your function!
These activities and exercises should not require much time, less than 10 minutes. I am intending the drills to be able to be completed at home with minimal equipment.
What can a PT do for your arthritic knee?
What is Osteoarthritis?
OA is a very common condition of the knee joint. The knee joint is a connection between the tibia(shin) and the femur (thigh). It is made up of several structures: the bones, cartilage, synovial fluid and a joint capsule. The cartilage in a joint covers the ends of the bone. It is smooth and allows for the gliding of the bones. It is strong and flexible.
Acute Low Back Pain Guidelines
So you just sprained your back. The pain is severe. You may have not been doing anything strenuous. You might not even be able to stand up. Fear not as this is a common occurrence in 80% of people. Most cases of acute low back quickly resolve with proper precaution. This article will serve as your guide in managing the early stages of a back pain flare up.
How Runners Can Address Knee Pain
Knee pain is the most common running injury. It results from the forces on the knee exceeding the tissues ability to tolerate stress. It is associated with training errors- doing too much, too soon- as well as limitations in strength and coordination of the hip and knee. In this article, I will highlight assessing and treating your knees to get you back on the right track.
Running with Functional Feet
The foot is the base of support for our body’s in upright positions and activities.
If the foot’s alignment is off then it can lead to compensations at the ankle, knee and hip. The compensations lead to stress. If we overload those compensations with too much running or lifting the outcome may be pain.