Rest and Digest

How to Position Yourself for Sleep with Back Pain

How to Position Yourself for Sleep with Back Pain

Do you have trouble getting comfortable to rest? Do you toss and turn all night? Do you get less than the recommended eight hours of quality sleep? If so, keep reading!

Sleeping is a basic human need, like eating, drinking, and breathing. Like these other needs, sleeping is vital for good health and well-being throughout your lifetime.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “ About 1 in 3 adults in the United States reported not getting enough rest or sleep every day. Sleep deficiency can lead to physical and mental health problems, injuries, loss of productivity, and even a greater likelihood of death”.

Sit Comfortably

Sit Comfortably

More and more people have been coming to see me due aches and pains due to their home working stations. It seems the last 6 months of the makeshift home office have caught up to us. Our bodies favorably adapt to gradual changes in stress to become more able and resilient. Sitting places stress on our bodies. When the changes are not gradual often the stress exceeds our capacity resulting in pain. Working from home occurred suddenly not giving our tissues an opportunity to condition to the stress.