4 Ways to Simmer Stress

With a pandemic, fall, and back-to-school approaching, who isn't a little more stressed these days, right?! Although how each of us perceive the world differs, the mechanisms in our body that trigger stress are the same.

Through heightened sympathetic nervous system activity known as the fight or flight response, the body will release adrenaline and cortisol. These chemicals and hormones will activate tension in our muscles, slow our digestion, increase blood pressure and heart rate, as well as increase our feelings of despair and anxiousness. 

Typically the combination of increased muscle tension, poor recovery due to limited sleep and nutrition will lead to soreness in our bodies. When this stress occurs and our figurative cups overflow, we need a game plan!

1. Exercise! The metabolic stimulation from working out will help to burn off the excess adrenaline and cortisol. Your brain will release chemicals including endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals all work together to make you feel good. The activity itself will lead to relaxation in the muscles.

2. Breathe. Focused breathing or meditation can trigger our "rest and digest" system, which will quiet the nervous system's response to stress.

3. Go to a local park. Stress has been shown to reduce through use of local green spaces.

4. Foam roll... or get a massageMassage has been shown to calm the brain, reduce cortisol and increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system). Using a foam roller or the Joe Norton PT lacrosse ball will create similar effects on the body.

Give one of these a try if you are feeling stress or, better yet, try all 4 at once!