Would You Rather Wear Out or Rust Out?

Charlotte, a client, came to me this past spring with hip pain. Her short term goal was obvious- get rid of the pain. The long term goal, however, was eye opening.

“I want to be able to enjoy running when I’m 90!”

This floored me. I immediately felt a case of FOMO (fear of missing out). How could I not have had this goal! Well, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and, Charlotte, thank you for giving me my newest long term goal :)

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “How would I like to feel when I’m 90?”.

Life 1- Be physically active, healthy and vibrant. Be able to move around the world with your friends and family, unrestricted by physical limitations? Similar to this guy!

Life 2- Be dependent on others, limited by pain/lack of mobility and have to avoid physical activities with your loved ones because your body is in such bad shape.

Your health is the best investment you can make. Sleep, diet, and exercise are the elixirs to feeling and moving well over the next 30 years. Teddy Roosevelt once said, “I’d rather wear out than rust out” little did he know the body adapts to the positive stressors we put on it! Had he worked with us could have gone out moving and grooving.

As we enter the New Year, it is a time for reflection and goal setting. This may be the year to take steps towards easily being able to lift your future grandchildren or to run on the canal when you are 90! I recommend taking time to reflect on how you would like to feel or goals you want to attain. After providing a bit of clarity on what you are trying to do, ask yourself “why” 3 to 4 times. This usually unearths greater internal reasoning for your goal. This is your why.

The next steps is to note how you will achieve the goal. For example, I would like to run a marathon. In order to do this I need to average 30 miles a week. In order to do that, I need to run 3 to 4 time a week. In order to do that, I need to have a time and a place I plan to run. This is known as your strategy and tactics, aka it’s your process to achieve your goals.

If you find, you need guidance, coaching or help, We are always happy to chat to begin to create a plan and action items to future health and wellness.