How to Defy Aging: Unlocking the Power of Strength Training for a Lifetime of Wellness

Nine Liters of Water, four bricks, two gallons of paint, one large watermelon, a car tire, and a Thanksgiving Turkey.


What do all these have in common? They weigh eighteen pounds.


Stunningly, the average adult will lose 3 to 8% of their body weight in muscle per decade of life from age 30 to 80. This muscle loss speeds up to 15% per decade after age 50. In total, this weight loss is eighteen pounds!


Now, you might be thinking, "Fantastic! I could definitely shed four bricks of weight." However, it's important to note that losing muscle will not necessarily result in overall weight loss. Instead, loss of muscle leads to decreased strength, endurance and power. In other words, the ability to lift a toddler, hike 3 miles, and run across a crosswalk.


As the popular saying goes, "use it or lose it." Muscle is a powerhouse of metabolic activity, demanding substantial energy to sustain its strength. The human body is designed to be efficient, so if this tissue is not consistently used through a variety of contractions - endurance, heavy, and quick - then it will simply be pruned away by your body.


As Peter Attia, MD says "If you have the aspiration of kicking ass when you're 85, you can't afford to be average when you're 50." For our younger clients, I would remind you muscle begins to decline in your 30s! So if you want to dominate your age groups and continue setting PRs in your 30s and 40s then you would be wise to adopt a strength program!


Warning: a side effect of getting stronger is you will hurt less and be able to do more! So if you're ready to set your self up for success by getting stronger, we are ready to help!


As human body consultants we are experts in figuring out what's causing pain, addressing underlying movement dysfunctions, and getting you to kick ass for all of your life’s demands!

