Joe Norton PT

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Setting a Different Tone: Community, Cooking, and Connection for the New Year

Happy New Year!

Recently, I read Atomic Habits. It was fascinating. I felt like it was talking directly to me and would be my focus of this month’s newsletter given the turn of the year and all that comes with it.

Well, upon opening my email on New Year’s morning, I was hit by three other newsletters sharing a similar idea “3 Core Strategies for Setting Goals Resolutions” “Ready to get back into the Routine”, “30 Days to Better Habits.”

I decide to pivot.

Currently, folks are receiving a lot of advice on resolutions, habits, and goals. Instead, I will share a story about community.

In December, two of my favorite human beings, celebrated the birth of their first child. Having been through that myself, I knew those first few weeks can be a blur. At the time, the most useful gifts we received were food and food :)

Two days after Christmas, Charlie (my son) and I gathered in our kitchen with all the ingredients to cook my great-grandmother’s, Nana, Sunday sauce and meatballs (Fun fact, I’m half Italian!)

As we were making it, I was infused with a sense of excitement. With our hands and intentions, we were creating the same meal my great grandmother had served her friends and family. Food is the keystone relationship in my family. It was an opportunity to gather, demonstrate kindness and love, and, maybe, enjoy each other’s company. It nourished us, literally and figuratively, with a sense of community.

With these thoughts, I happily shared Nana’s sauce and meatballs with my friends and family!

In starting my business, one of my goals has been to connect and serve my community. I was never interested in working with professional athletes or obtaining a glamorous sports medicine job. I have always favored improving the life of one person to enhance the health of the community.

Happy New Year and wishing you Good Health in 2024!

