Joe Norton PT

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14 Day Social Distancing Mobility Challenge- Day 10

Today’s mobility will be focused on shoulder flexion. This is the movement that occurs as you raise your arm overhead. It is an essential movement for activities of daily living. It is also a common movement we perform during any overhead or weight bearing exercise.

If you do not routinely bring your arms overhead, have some limitations of mobility in the upper back/shoulder blades, or have  motor control issues in the lower back/shoulder blades, then it is likely your shoulder flexion will have some impairments. 


Assessment Key Points:

  • keep back flat on floor

  • Keep elbow and wrist straight 

  • If you feel pain, then you will benefit from a PT consultation 

If you passed this test, then excellent job! if you found maintaining your back, elbow or wrist position difficult, then I would highly recommend going through the next exercises. However if the test was easy, then go right to the motor control.  If you can raise your arm so it is in line with your torso, it is an excellent sign of appropriate motor control.


Motion loss is typically due to two sources: soft tissues and joints. When working to optimize mobility at a joint the best way is usually to treat both. The next two videos will review mobility workouts designed to enhance shoulder mobility.


Immediately following mobility work, we need to teach the body and the brain how to use the new range of motion or hold these new positions. If we did not do this extra step you will not maintain the gains. 

How’s everyone feeling ?